ECLUB.IN.UA Українська 
NGO Entrepreneurial club


We are an open Club of Entrepreneurs whose goal is to unite small and medium-sized businesses into a single community! We believe that the entrepreneur himself is the greatest resource of our modern economy! Today, an Entrepreneur is a person who is not only not afraid to take responsibility and risk, but also a person who has an understanding of his capabilities and the willpower to create and develop certain niches. To be an Entrepreneur is to think not only for yourself, but also for the environment in which you are, to improve it and to feel part of it. But... do you want to go your own way or do you need support and like-minded people?

We are sure that you are able to implement your plans, ideas, initiatives on your own, but there are times when everyone needs support or advice, a partner or mentor, tools to achieve goals or investors for development. Agree that almost all entrepreneurs set the goal of making a profit from their business, but not everyone understands that it is necessary to spread their acquaintances, develop and develop a team, look for new ideas and gain new knowledge. The Entrepreneurial Club is the very organization that is a unifying chain for small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs, advocates for the community and implements its ideas.


together with partners, municipalities and authorities, we organize many events: exhibitions, conferences, business meetings, fairs and other events for all members!

business magazine

we publish a business magazine with analytics, useful content and information about our community members!


we solve issues related to the organization and promotion of business, while consulting all sides of this global process!


club members


covered entrepreneurs




years of experience



We do not support any political force and only have tasks aimed at helping businesses and entrepreneurs that we define ourselves


Only innovations can contribute to progress, so it is important not only to use them, but also to support their development


Our community is not 1000 individual entrepreneurs, but a single society where everyone helps each other and has partnerships


We value entrepreneurs who are interested in the development of Ukraine's economy and not only want to be a part of it, but also to influence it

Whant to be a part of our society? Write us!

send a message

smart Building forum

We invite you to SMART BUILDING — an annual Forum that demonstrates global and Ukrainian achievements in the field of intelligent systems and automation, energy efficiency and smart solutions for creating a "Smart House" and a "Smart City". This is the only platform in Ukraine that unites startups, small local companies, as well as well-known global brands and companies of the smart technology market.